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The leaders after pericles did not follow his wise advice. They wasted money on expensive naval expeditions as well as fighting the Spartans on land. Plague broke out in Athens while it was being besieged and an army sent to attack Syracuse was wiped out. These setbacks broke Athenian power, and led to disaster. in 405 B.C.
the Spartan admiral Lysander smashed the Athenian fleet in a battle in the Hellespont and so cut the corn route
Comment '1'
  • ?
    순뎅이 2006.04.03 16:56
    The leaders after pericles did not follow his wise advice. They wasted money on expensive naval expeditions as well as fighting the Spartans on land. Plague broke out in Athens while it was being besieged and an army sent to attack Syracuse was wiped out. These setbacks broke Athenian power, and led to disaster. in 405 B.C.
    the Spartan admiral Lysander smashed the Athenian fleet in a battle in the Hellespont and so cut the corn route

    페리클리스 이후의 지도자들은 그의 현명한 충고를 따르지 않았다.

    그들은 스파르타와 육상에서 싸우는 것 뿐만 아니라 비싼 해상 원정에도 많은 돈을 썼다.

    페스트(역병)가 아테네 전역에 퍼져 도시를 포위하였으며 시라큐스를 공격하기 위해 보내진 군대는 휩쓸려 버렸다

    이러한 질병의 창궐은 아네네의 힘을 망하게 하였고, 기원전 405년 재앙을 초래하였다. 스파르타의 리산더 제독은 헬레스폰트의 전투에서 에테네의 함대를 분쇄해 버렸으며, 옥수수 루트를 잘라버렸다.